Here you can see a detailed look at the forecast for the next 48 hours. Note that the base for this is our Meteogram product, which shows a good average forecast for Otěvěk (Jihočeský, Czech Republic).
However, you can also look at our compact prediction based on any other model that forecasts for your chosen location.
The following models are available for Otěvěk:
Swiss Super HD (2-3 days), ICON-D2 (2 days), Rapid ECMWF/Global Euro HD (5 Tage), ECMWF IFS HRES (15 days), ICON-EU (5 days), Swiss HD (3 days), Swiss HD ECMWFbase (3 days), Swiss Standard (5 days), Dänisches Wettermodell (HD), GFS (5 days), GEM (5 days), ACCESS-G (5 days), ICON (5 days), NORWAY (5 days), UKMO (5 days), SwissHD MOS (3 days)
This plot displays the 14 day temperature forecast for your selected location, Otěvěk.
The red numbers show the expected high temperature for a given day, while the blue numbers show the expected low temperature. Because forecast uncertainty increases with time, we also display the range of possible high/low temperature outcomes, shown as the shaded red/blue regions. The actual high/low temp could fall anywhere in that shaded region, and the larger the shaded regions are, the higher the forecast uncertainty is.
Current weather - Here we've put together a glance at all the most important information about the current weather in Otěvěk (Jihočeský, Czech Republic). You can see with the radar HD if precipitation is falling at the moment, or headed towards Otěvěk soon. You can also see where there are thunderstorms currently ongoing, as well as where thunderstorms have occurred in recent weeks and months with our lightning analysis tool. Our HD satellite images of Otěvěk will show you whether there’s sunshine currently in the area, or if clouds are making for a more gloomy day. Finally, current observations will tell you what current temperatures look like around Otěvěk at the moment, as well as if it's humid and/or windy.
Forecast for the next few days - The weather forecast for Otěvěk is available in several different versions, all clearly and simply displayed here on the Weather Otěvěk page. For the short term, we have data based on a single weather model that is known to deliver the best forecast for Otěvěk. For the longer term, we have forecasts for the next two weeks based on an analysis of many different possible forecast outcomes that will give you a sense of not just what's most likely, but how the forecast could change in future updates as we get closer to any given date. If the range of possible outcomes is narrow, you can have high confidence in the forecast. If the range is wide, you know there’s more uncertainty, and to not give too much credence to any one possible forecast outcome. We also have other products such as Meteograms and Forecast XL elsewhere on our site to give you additional options for figuring out the forecast for Otěvěk.
Neighboring places around Otěvěk
- Trhové Sviny, Čeřejov, Březí, Trhové Sviny, Rankov, Nežetice, Lniště, Třebíčko, Ostrolovský Újezd, Bukvice
Cities, towns, villages
- Bavorov, Bechyně, Benešov nad Černou, Bernartice, Blatná, Borek, Borovany, Brloh, Bělčice, Chlum u Třeboně, Chotoviny, Chvalšiny, Chyšky, Chýnov, Dačice, Dolní Bukovsko, Dolní Dvořiště, Dubné, Dřiteň, Frymburk, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Holubov, Homole, Horní Planá, Horní Stropnice, Hrdějovice, Husinec, Jarošov nad Nežárkou, Jindřichův Hradec, Jistebnice, Kamenný Újezd, Kaplice, Kardašova Řečice, Katovice, Kovářov, Kunžak, Kájov, Křemže, Ledenice, Lhenice, Litvínovice, Lišov, Lomnice nad Lužnicí, Loučovice, Malonty, Malšice, Milevsko, Mirotice, Mirovice, Mladá Vožice, Netolice, Nová Bystřice, Nová Včelnice, Nové Hrady, Opařany, Planá nad Lužnicí, Prachatice, Protivín, Písek, Radomyšl, Rudolfov, Sedlice, Sepekov, Sezimovo Ústí, Slavonice, Soběslav, Srubec, Stachy, Strakonice, Strmilov, Strunkovice nad Blanicí, Studená, Suchdol nad Lužnicí, Trhové Sviny, Tábor, Týn nad Vltavou, Třeboň, Vacov, Velešín, Veselí nad Lužnicí, Vimperk, Vlachovo Březí, Vodňany, Volary, Volyně, Vyšší Brod, Včelná, Větřní, Všemyslice, Zdíkov, Zliv, České Budějovice, České Velenice, Český Krumlov, Český Rudolec, Čestice, Čimelice, Čkyně, Čížová, Ševětín
Mountains and hills
- Basumský hřeben [Horní Vltavice], Bobík, Boubín, Chlum, Holý vrch, Hvězda [Boletice-Maňávka], Knížecí Stolec, Lapka [Kvilda], Lysá, Nad Hospodàrnicí, Obrovec [Horní Vltavice-Račí], Orel [Kvilda], Plechý, Přiba, Solovec, Stolová hora, Stráž, Studničná [Nová Pec], Tetřev, Trojmezná [Nová Pec], V Pařezí [Nová Pec], Vysoký hřeben [Nová Pec], Vysoký stolec, Zvěřín [Nové Hutě], Špićák
- Bezdrev, Blatec, Bošilecký Rybník, Dobevský Rybník, Dvořiště, Hejtman, Holenský Rybník, Holzwehr, Horusický Rybník, Kanov, Kačležský Rybník, Klec, Koclířov, Krvavý Rybník, Labuť, Nový Vdovec, Olšinský Rybník, Opatovický Rybník, Polom, Strpský Rybník, Vlhlavský Rybník, Voblanov, Záblatský Rybník, Žabov, Ženich