With this tool you can view the officially confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide. Switch between the different parameters
to display the absolute numbers or the cases affected per 1 million inhabitants. The numbers are updated every hour with various sources:
worldometers.info, Wikipedia.
We use hourly updated data from worldometers.info and Wikipedia for our country maps. The time series data shown in the diagram/table are based on the daily statistics
from the John Hopkins University. Only the most recent value in the time series comes from the hourly Worldometer or Wikipedia data and should be treated as provisional.
Furthermore, we also use federal data from states and counties that we retrieve from different sources (including Robert Koch-Institut).
Specific data by risklayer.com: Risklayer GmbH (www.risklayer.com) and Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Risklayer-CEDIM SARS-CoV-2 Crowdsourcing Contributors.
COVID-19 cases by county (total) -
This map shows the number of all confirmed COVID-19 case for each country.
COVID-19 cases by county (per million inhabitants) -
This map shows how many officially confirmed COVID-19 cases there are per million inhabitants in the respective countries.
COVID-19 deaths by country (total) -
This map shows the number of all confirmed COVID-19 deaths for each country.
COVID-19 deaths by country (per million inhabitants) -
This map shows how many officially confirmed COVID-19 deaths there are per million inhabitants in the respective countries.
Mortality rate for countries with more than 100 COVID19 cases (%) -
This map shows the mortality rate for countries with more than 100 confirmed COVID19 cases.