
Lörrach, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

3-day weather forecast for Elbenschwand (Meteogram/SwissHD-MOS)
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Forecast from the SwissHD model output statistics is valid for the location "Weilheim-Bierbronnen", 28.5km away..
The following parameters are based on our model output statistics:
windspeed, gusts. The others are taken directly from Swiss HD.
All times in forecast are in local time All times are local time (CET)
Forecast from 19.02.2025, 00z (UTC)
Update: 4 times a day, approx. 04:25am, 10:25am, 04:25pm and 10:25am
(04:25am, 10:25am, 04:25pm and 10:25pm CET)