This product is designed to give you a quick look at everything you need to know for the next 3-5 days of weather. The first panel shows temperatures and overall weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc.). The second panel shows winds and wind gusts. The third panel shows wind direction. Note that the wind blows from the side of the barbs containing the little dashes so if the dash is to the NE of the dot, you’re looking at a NE wind. Each small dash represents 5 mph while each large dash represents 10 mph. Each triangular flag represents 50 mph worth of wind. Add up each symbol to get the total wind (two large dashes plus one small dash would mean 25 mph winds for example). Other parameters available for your viewing interest include relative humidity, cloud cover, intensity of sunlight (dependant on both cloud cover and season), and precipitation. Note that this is just one model so while it may be very accurate for days 1-3, take it with a grain of salt towards day 5.
Forecast symbols