
Berne, Switzerland

Weather station

Guttannen Eriz
3-day weather forecast for Egg (Meteogram/SwissHD-MOS)
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Forecast from the SwissHD model output statistics is valid for the location "Guttannen", 22.3km away..
The following parameters are based on our model output statistics:
temperature, dew point and relative humidity, windspeed, gusts, precipitation. The others are taken directly from Swiss HD.
All times in forecast are in local time All times are local time (CEST)
Forecast from 29.04.2024, 12z (UTC)
Update: 4 times a day, approx. 05:25am, 11:25am, 05:25pm and 11:25am
(05:25am, 11:25am, 05:25pm and 11:25pm CEST)