Central Europe Super HD (3 days) from 11/22/2024/12z
Gusts, 1h (kph)
Update times: ca. 11:45pm-03:15am, 05:45am-09:15am, 11:45am-03:15pm and 05:45pm-09:15pm
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Reported at 12:00 Uhr
Trajectory forecast
Central Europe Super HD (3 days)
This product displays output from the Swiss regional model. Regional models produce forecasts for a specific region, in this case for Central Europe. One advantage to regional models is that they can run at a much higher resolution than global models enabling them to see features such as mountains, valleys, and small bodies of water that would be too small for a lower resolution model to see. Due to the higher resolution of regional models, they can only be calculated for certain areas and often don’t go as far out in time as global models. In this case, the Swiss HD model runs 3 days out into the future.